INTRODUCTION – There has been a feeling among the volunteers and other functionaries of NSS that it should have a regular platform to be associated with it. Keeping this in view the concept of open NSS unit was started in the university system. But it could not be very successful being in the Govt. Sector. Later on, various discussions and meetings were held in this regard in different parts of the country and the outcome of these meeting was that an NGO should be formed to fulfill this requirement. NISHTHA is the outcome of this long felt need. Finally, NISHTHA was registered under the Societies registration act xxi of 1880 as National NGO on 15th May 2001.
PROGRAMMES – Since then NISHTHA has been organizing different socio-cultural programmes through its States chapters in some of the States like Assam/Madhya Pradesh/Uttar Pradesh/Maharashtra/Rajasthan/Odisha and West Bengal. NISHTHA has also sent 8 NISHTHA volunteers to China and USA under International Youth Exchange Programme. Now there is a felt need to give a proper shape to NISHTHA at States, District and village level. Keeping in this view the first National Consultation and NSS Alumni meet to be organized on 1 & 2 October 2018 at International Youth Hostel Chanakya Puri, New Delhi in which 100 delegates from different parts of the country are being invited to contribute and finalised the action plan. This action plan will be launched on the occasion of 149th Birth Centenary of Mahatma Gandhi the father of the nation from whom the concept of NSS was conceived. NISHTHA also planned to organized 150th birth Anniversary in a befitting manner in the year of 2019. Alumni of NSS who are having zeal and commitment for the cause are requested to register themselves by 15th May 2018 as a delegate to participate in this historical events of Nation building and to develop a platform to unite again and make a change to future India.